Unity As Believers
Making every effort to maintain unity as believers through the gifts Christ has given us to do so.
A Humble Priesthood
Paul's ministry to the Gentiles is a model for Mission City and the church universal to imitate and even emulate!
Blessed in Christ
Sometimes you're more blessed than you think... if you know where to look.
Christianity & the Gay Community
It’s a long story, so we took some extra time and got some extra help to tell it.
To Whom Abortion Matters
As one of the most controversial pieces of legislation in human history is wavering in its stability, the matter of abortion has skyrocketed back to the top of America’s public conscience.
Serve Together
The church is a force for good. If it's not serving its community, it's not a church.
Sunday & Someday
We long for a world without pain and disappointment, and Easter is the preview we're looking for.
Palm Sunday
Jesus is righteous and humble. Both those qualities were on display when he came to Jerusalem for the last time.
Lead Together
The only reason anybody has ever found Jesus is because someone else led them there.
Grow Together
Do you know anyone who can grow spiritually all on their own? That's okay...we don't either.