In June 2019, Garrett and Gabi Raburn drove into New York City with everything they owned in a moving truck. By the end of that summer, they’d met a handful people from Brooklyn and Manhattan who were excited about the vision for a new church. Weekly house church and community groups started in Brooklyn, and the foundation of the church was set.
The Covid-19 pandemic devastated New York City. One sector of society after another shut down as New York emerged as an early epicenter. Our church found individuals, families, and organizations to support during the crisis. We met online six days a week to pray for the city and study Scripture to find hope for ourselves and others. We also partnered to renovate a small storefront church in downtown Brooklyn, and began having weekly preview services on Sunday nights. Serving New York City in an hour of need became the purpose that held our church together.
After two years of pre-launch work, Mission City officially opened on September 19, 2021. We continue to put down roots in New York City, serve our local communities with the words and actions of the gospel, and lift up the name and fame of Jesus together. You’re invited to write the next chapter of the story with us!